Como dizer “dar em cima” em inglês?

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José Roberto A. Igreja

dar em cima

  • You know Charlie’s reputation. They say he has hit on most the girls in our school.
  • Você conhece a fama de Charlie. Dizem que ele já deu em cima da maioria das garotas na nossa escola.

dar em cimaVeja também dar uma cantada (p. 35).

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Referência: How do you say… in English? – José Roberto A. Igreja. Disal Editora, 2005. Leia a resenha aqui.

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[…] Cf. Como dizer “dar em cima” em inglês? […]

11 anos atrás

Hey Ulisses, how are you doing?

I saw on a tv series the other day one of the main characters saying: “he made a move on me first.” I think that this expression can work for this purpose as well as ” hit on somebody”. Is it right?

Congrats for your great work! Take care! 🙂

11 anos atrás

I had an experience with this expression when I was living in NY, I had never hear this before and a guy that I met told me “hey, take my phone number, and don’t worry, I’m not hitting on you, I’m really interested in your friendship” …well, I made a very good friend because of this, lol… thanks Joey and thanks tecla sap!!!