Resenhas de Livros: Helbling Readers – Disal

Tempo de leitura: menos de 1 minuto

Red Series – 14 titles
Blue series – 8 titles
Disal Editora, 2008

ricky_and_the_american_girlWe all know that it may be a little hard to help learners enjoy the process of reading. Language schools and teachers tend to have quite a difficult time selecting materials that relate to the students’ realities and expose them to appropriate language, cultural elements and allow them to have a bit of fun, too! ‘The Helbing Readers Series’ provides adolescents and young adults with the unique reading experience they have always been looking for.

From classics to modern fiction, the stories immediately catch the readers’ attention and fully engage them until the last sentence. Each reader contains before and after reading activities, many include reflection boxes at certain crucial moments to help understanding and draw comparisons with the readers’ lives and experiences. Each book is clearly glossed, and picture definitions aid understanding at lower levels. A beautifully recorded audio CD has listening passages for the suggested activities as well as the full stories, with powerful narration and dialogues allowing the readers to experience the feelings and emotions of these highly likeable and most unforgettable characters. And the illustrations are really a must – each book has its own distinctive look, chosen to reflect the style of the stories.

So sit down and relax with a pile of ‘Helbling Readers’ by your side – I am sure when you get to the end you will have forgotten you ever had problems finding a good book for your students.

The reviewer
José Luiz Fernandes Junior has been working at Cultura Inglesa SP for more than ten years and is now Products Manager in the Academic Department. He is also an actor and director of drama groups, performing and putting on plays for children, adolescents and adults.

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