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I know my wife Mercedes so well now (after our 30-year relationship) that I have not the slightest idea who she really is.
Gabriel García Márques
A 30-year relationship – numbers and measurement
In measurements we often use the structure – number + noun + noun. Note that:
1 The number is usually joined to the first noun with a hyphen ( – ).
2 The first noun is used in the singular.
Here are a few more examples:
- A three-hour journey. (NOT – A three-hours journey).
- A ten-dollar bill. (NOT – A ten-dollars bill).
- A five-litre can.
- A six-foot man.
- A six-day course.
- A two-person tent.
- An eight-pound turkey.
Cf. Gramática: Adjetivos Numéricos
Cf. Falsos Cognatos: PERU
Cf. Falsas Gêmeas: COLOMBIA x COLUMBIA
Very small in degree. Some common collocations with slight are:
- A slight increase.
- A slight change.
- A slight delay.
- A slight difference.
- A slight headache.
I haven’t the slightest idea (= I have no idea at all).
This expression is commonly used to emphasize that you do not know or understand something at all. With the same meaning you can also say –
- I haven’t the faintest idea.
- I haven’t the foggiest idea.
- I haven’t the first idea.
- I have no idea.
Cf. Inglês Online: Qual é o melhor curso?
Cf. 10 motivos para você acompanhar as dicas do Tecla SAP
Referência: “Gems of Wisdom – Inspirational Messages to Enhance the Quality of Your Life and Improve Your English” de Jack Scholes – Disal Editora, 2007. Leia a resenha.