Seth Berkley: texto da CNN traduzido para português

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Seth Berkley by CNN


Seth Berkley

Seth Berkley

Seth Berkley is at the forefront of finding [está à frente na corrida para se encontrar] a vaccine for HIV/AIDS.

Since [Desdeearly on in his career [o início de sua carreira] , the New York born medical doctor [o médico nascido em Nova York] has been dedicated [se dedica] to fighting [a combater; a atenuar] suffering [o sofrimento] around the world [no mundo inteiro].

A renowned globe-trotter [conhecido viajante; renomado peregrino] he has trekked through remote parts [já perambulou por regiões remotas] of Tibet and Namibia, travelled by camel [viajou de camelo] through rebel-controlled territory [territórios controlados por (grupos) rebeldes] in western Sudan [no oeste do Sudão] and documented the worst famine ever scientifically evaluated in history [a maior fome de toda a história científica].

A leading [proeminente] epidemiologist [epidemiologista], Berkley worked at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States and in 1996, he founded [fundou; criou] the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI).

Just three years [Em apenas três anos] after setting up [criação] the non-profit organization [organização sem fins lucrativos], Berkley was named [indicado] on Time’s list [lista da (revista) Time] of the 100 Most Influential People in The World.

He was also recently named [Foi também nomeado recentemente] as the new Chief Executive Officer [Presidente; Diretor Executivo] of the GAVI Alliance, a global health partnership [parceria global em prol da saúde] championed [apoiada; financiada] by Bill Gates.

At GAVI he will be overseeing [supervisionará] an ambitious mission to save the lives of millions of children by increasing access [proporcionando maior acesso] to vaccines in poor countries [em países pobres].


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Cf. Alicia Keys e o Dia Mundial de Combate à AIDS

Cf. Saúde: frases prontas em inglês (com tradução)

Cf. DOA: qual é o significado e a tradução da sigla “D.O.A.”?

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Well, as you see I´m trying to post a comment in english but this is only for practive, as I´m not that familiar to the language. I found this newsletter very useful, and it always teaches me something. Contratulations for posting it, and excuse me for the mistakes.