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by CNNMoney
NEW YORK — The European crisis [A crise europeia] is a potential job-killer [pode vir a gerar desemprego] for the United States and could hit [poderia afetar] pensions [aposentadorias] and 401(k)s [espécie de plano de aposentadoria, que tem algumas semelhanças com o FGTS], Federal Reserve officials [altos-funcionários do Banco Central] told Congress on Friday.
Cf. Pronúncia: Crise
Cf. Falsos Cognatos: OFFICIAL
William Dudley, president of the New York Federal Reserve Bank [presidente do Banco Central do Estado de Nova York], told lawmakers [afirmou a parlamentares] that deterioration in the European economy could reduce demand for U.S. products.
“This would hurt growth [poderia prejudicar o crescimento] here in the United States and would have a negative impact on … +