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The reason a dog has so many friends is because he wags his tail instead of his tongue.
When a dog wags its tail it moves it from side to side.
When you wag your finger or your head you shake it from side to side or up and down, often as a sign of disapproval.
To start / set tongues wagging
To cause people to start talking about someone’s private affairs and say unkind things about them.
- If I give her a lift home after the party it will start/set tongues wagging.
Cf. Lançamento: Aprenda inglês com humor
Cf. Inglês Online: Qual é o melhor curso?
Cf. Os 10 erros mais comuns de quem estuda inglês
Referência: “Gems of Wisdom – Inspirational Messages to Enhance the Quality of Your Life and Improve Your English” de Jack Scholes – Disal Editora, 2007. Leia a resenha.
[…] Cf. O que “FRIENDZONE” quer dizer? Cf. The reason a dog has so many friends is… […]