Chace Crawford

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CNN – Connect the World

He’s probably [talvezone of the biggest [um dos maiores] teen heart-throb [adolescente objeto de desejo] around the world at the moment [hoje] and he‘s lucky [tem sorte] because he‘s on [atua em] one of the most popular television shows [um dos programas de televisão de maior audiência] as well [também].

Cf. Gramática: Graus dos adjetivos e advérbios

Chace Crawford plays [interpreta] Nate Archibald on the hit show [programa de sucesso] “Gossip Girl” which is centered around [que tem como protagonistas] a group of upscale [de classe alta] New Yorkers who are at university.

The show has been noted for [tem como característica] its sometimes racy content [conteúdo picante, provocador] – from threesomes [sexo entre 3 pessoas, ménage à trois], drug use and adultery – not to mention [para não dizer, sem falar] everyone was still [ainda] only in high school [ensino médio] at the time [na época].

Cf. Por que “show” nem sempre é a tradução de “SHOW”?
Cf. Falsas Gêmeas: IT’S x ITS

The 24-year-old Crawford was born [nasceu] in Lubbock, Texas and originally studied broadcast journalism [Rádio e TV] at Pepperdine University and didn’t try his hand at [não tentou] acting [teatro; interpretação] until he was pressured [até ser pressionado] by his mother while he was in his second year of university.

Cf. Gramática: Adjetivos Numéricos

Crawford has appeared [trabalhou; atuou] in a number of [vários] films including “The Covenant” [O Pacto], but it wasn’t until his role [papel] in “Gossip Girl” that he became a household name [muito conhecido] for millions of screaming teens [adolescentes histéricas].

Cf. Curiosidades: XOXO
Cf. Justin Bieber
Cf. The Jonas Brothers
Cf. Adam Lambert

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