Tempo de leitura: menos de 1 minuto
[group of friends, folks, guys, the gang]
- A galera é formada por adolescentes que estudam na mesma classe de uma escola.
- The gang is made up of adolescents who study in the same class in a school.
[gang, group of people, usually friends]
- Vou sair com a turma hoje.
- I’m going out with the gang tonight.
Tips & Notes
Turma da Mônica [Monica’s Gang]
Created and written by Maurício de Sousa, Turma da Mônica is a very popular series of comic books. In Portuguese, comic books are called gibis or histórias em quadrinhos – (lit.) stories in little squares. The stories centre on the adventures of a group of six-year-old friends. All the books have been translated into many languages, including English. The four main characters, with their Portuguese and English names, are:
- Mônica [Monica]
- Cebolinha – (lit.) scallion (US), spring onion [Jimmy Five]
- Cascão – (lit.) crust of filth on the skin [Smudge]
- Magali [Maggy]
The characters, originally created in the 1960s, continue to be immensely popular and have generated a lot of merchandising and innumerable spin-offs, including games, music CDs, animated cartoons, video games, and a theme park in São Paulo called Parque da Mônica.
Cf. Personagens de desenho animado em inglês
Cf. Como se diz “lindo” e “linda” em inglês?
Cf. Como dizer “Dia das Crianças” em inglês?
Cf. KID não significa só criança pequena
Referência: “Break the Branch? Quebrar o Galho – Common, Everyday Words and Phrases in Brazilian Portuguese” de Jack Scholes, Disal Editora, 2008. Leia a resenha. Compre seu exemplar na Disal.