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Jack Scholes
Negócio da China
[Good deal, business or transaction with a lot of profit.]
- Sempre propõem negócios da China com rentabilidade de 30% ao ano.
- They always propose good deals with 30% profitability per annum.
China is the fastest growing economy in the world. Brazil’s exports to China jumped from $676 million in 1999 to $5.4 billion in 2004. Imports also increased, but trade mainly involves swapping commodities for more sophisticated products.
Cf. Comércio Exterior: Como se diz “conhecimento”?
Nearly 60% of Brazil’s exports to China are primary goods, largely soya and iron ore. Imports from China are more varied and include electronics, machines, chemicals, textiles, shoes and toys. In 2007 China became the second largest supplier of goods to Brazil, a position previously held by Argentina.
Cf. Países e nacionalidades em inglês
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Referência: “Break the Branch? Quebrar o Galho – Common, Everyday Words and Phrases in Brazilian Portuguese” de Jack Scholes, Disal Editora, 2008. Leia a resenha para obter mais detalhes da obra. Adquira seu exemplar com comodidade e total segurança no site da Disal Distribuidora.
Hi, Ulisses! I’m a big fan of you and of “our” Tecla Sap blog! Congratulations for such an altruist initiative! Tecla Sap is definitely a very handy source to get info from!
With regards the topic, whenever there was something extremely cheap a Walsh friend of mine use to say: “This is a bargain!” I always understood as something similar to “Negócio do China!”. Did I misunderstand him or his expression?!…
Please shed some light to dissipate the twilight of my curiosity! hehehe…
bargain should be used in similar contexto: