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[A card to control orders in bars, restaurants etc.]
- Em caso de perda desta comanda, será cobrado o valor mínimo de R$60,00.
- If you lose this card you will be charged a minimum amount of R$60.00.
Cf. O que a gíria “TIPSY” significa?
Cf. Como se diz “bafômetro” em inglês?
Cf. Expressões idiomáticas: Motorista da Rodada
In many bars, clubs, restaurants and bakeries in Brazil the system of controlling your orders is quite unusual. Customers are given a card on which the waiter notes down everything you eat or drink and you pay the total bill when you leave. Sometimes cards have bar codes and items are registered electronically, or you may get a simple paper card on which the waiter ticks off the items. Either way, it is very easy for the customer to lose control and get stung for a huge amount of money at the end of the evening’s entertainment. Another danger is if you lose the card. There is always a warning on the card, like in the example above, often in tiny print, that if you lose the card you will be charged a minimum amount, which can be very high, and usually more than the average amounts paid.
Cf. “BAR” é falso cognato?
Cf. Pagando Mico: Padaria
Cf. Falsas Gêmeas: LOSE x MISS
Cf. Falsas Gêmeas: CLIENT x CUSTOMER
Cf. Quando usar “LOOSE”, “LOSE”, “LOST” e “LOSS”?
Referência: “Break the Branch? Quebrar o Galho – Common, Everyday Words and Phrases in Brazilian Portuguese” de Jack Scholes, Disal Editora, 2008. Leia a resenha.
Poderia também ser “tab”? Teria alguma diferença? Obrigado!
Lovely tips.