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Jack Scholes
Não é, assim, uma Brastemp
[It’s not exactly the best possible.]
- Comprei uma bicicleta usada, mas bem conservada. Sei que não é, assim, uma Brastemp, mas para quem está começando, está legal.
- I bought a bicycle, second-hand, but in good repair. I know it’s not exactly the best, but for somebody who’s starting, it’s okay.
Brastemp is the brand name of washing machines, refrigerators, cookers (UK), stoves (US) etc. The company was founded in 1954 and now belongs to the American group Whirlpool, the biggest manufacturer of household appliances in the world.
“Não é, assim, uma Brastemp” was the slogan of a series of humorous advertising campaigns, where people tried to justify not having the best brand of household appliance, which, of course, would be a Brastemp. The slogan has now been incorporated into everyday speech to refer to anything which is not the best possible.
You can also say: Não é nenhuma Brastemp. And you can also use both expressions to refer to any kind of situation as well as things. For example:
- O país completa quinze trimestres de crescimento econômico. Ainda que em vários desses períodos não tenha sido nenhuma Brastemp, vale comemorar.
- The country is completing fifteen quarters of economic growth. Even though it has not been exactly the best possible in several of these periods, it is worth celebrating.
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Tem outra sugestão para expressarmos a mesma ideia na língua inglesa? Eu gostaria muito de saber a sua opinião. Envie sua resposta na seção de comentários abaixo. Obrigado!
Referência: “Break the Branch? Quebrar o Galho – Common, Everyday Words and Phrases in Brazilian Portuguese” de Jack Scholes, Disal Editora, 2008. Leia a resenha. Compre seu exemplar na Disal.
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