FIGURE OUT: qual é o significado e a tradução desse phrasal verb?

Tempo de leitura: 2 minutos

Figure out by Jonathan T. Hogan and José Roberto A. Igreja


figure out

1. to understand someone or something [entender alguém ou algo]

  • “Jack’s personality is still a real mystery to me. I can’t figure him out!”, Brian told us.
  • “A personalidade do Jack ainda é um verdadeiro mistério para mim. Eu não consigo entendê-lo!”, disse-nos Brian.
  • The doctors are still trying to figure out what caused Stephanie to become sick.
  • Os médicos ainda estão tentando entender o que fez Stephanie ficar doente.

2. to find the answer to a question, the solution to a problem, etc. [encontrar a resposta para uma questão, a solução de um problema, etc.]

  • “We need to figure out a way to get there faster or else we will be late for the lecture”, Mike told his classmates.
  • “Precisamos encontrar um jeito de chegar lá mais rápido, pois do contrário vamos chegar atrasados para a palestra”, Mike disse a seus colegas de classe.

Cf. 10 Phrasal Verbs Essenciais – Feat. Júnior Silveira (Cai como uma luva)


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Cf. Gramática: Eu não entendi

Cf. Falsos Cognatos: COMPREHENSIVE

Cf. Gramática: Não estou entendendo

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Phrasal Verbs – Como falar inglês como um americano!, de Jonathan T. Hogan e José Roberto A. Igreja, Disal Editora, 2004. Leia a resenha para obter mais informações a respeito da obra.

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6 anos atrás

[…] if you’re not already, you’ll be feeling saudades soon enough to figure out the meaning for […]


[…] if you’re not already, you’ll be feeling saudades soon enough to figure out the meaning for […]

11 anos atrás

Hello, I am so gratefull for this work that you’ve been doing. This site is one of the best that I’ve found. Now, I can help myself to understand some things that I didn’t usually know.
Sorry for my mistakes, it happens because I don’t speak English well. I’ve been trying to improve it.

Bye bye

Defense Games
13 anos atrás

Same here guys.That sentence made me fill confuse a lot of time. It took me some days to find the right way.American use a lot”fgured out”,thats why I belive Its a super important sentence,so lets work on it 😉

13 anos atrás

That exactly what happen to me,i fill so confused with this sentence!!I Think already get it,even its hard,but I gonna try.Thanks

13 anos atrás

Hello.Im David.I speak spanish,but I had understanded all about you did reference in your post.”figure Out” its a sentence that the americans use very often,and sometime i fill a littlee bit confused with its meaning.Thanks for the class.

13 anos atrás

Hello, I’ve been reading a lot of tecnical articles about internet, developing, design, and this phrasal verb is very common in these texts. I’m from Belo HOrizonte (MG). Thanks for this tip. Hugs.

alexandre_scs (Alexandre)
14 anos atrás

@teclasap Minha dica favorita do Tecla SAP é Você irá precisar disso!

14 anos atrás

Esta é a minha dica favorita! Aprendi e começei a usar muito no mesmo momento !

14 anos atrás

Thank you. I wrote on the last post and forgot to present myself. My name is Cynthia, I’m 18 years old and from João Pessoa (PB). I’m just a begginner who likes to spend my time trying to learn this great language called English. I’ve been visiting this website for about a month and never commented on the posts. Now, I’m trying to change this bad habit 🙂 Thank you for the tips and keep going on!