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You cannot hold a situation if you yourself are wobbling. Connect. Hold yourself. Then hold others.
William Bloom
To wobble / wobbly (SYN – to shake / shaky)
1. To move or rock from side to side in an unsteady way, showing lack of balance.
- This table wobbles. It’s a wobbly table.
2. To be uncertain, hesitate or lose confidence about doing something.
- The government must not wobble on this important issue.
- I’m feeling a bit wobbly about taking on that new job as manager of the company.
To throw a wobbly (UK – informal)
To suddenly become extremely angry or upset.
- My dad threw a wobbly when he found out I’d crashed his car.
Referência: “Gems of Wisdom – Inspirational Messages to Enhance the Quality of Your Life and Improve Your English” de Jack Scholes – Disal Editora, 2007. Leia a resenha. Adquira seu exemplar na Disal ou no Submarino.