George Clooney

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He’s been dubbed [considerado; apelidado (lit.)] the “sexiest man on the planet,” one of the most profitable [rentáveis] actors in Hollywood and even [até mesmo] a talented director [diretor talentoso].

But, even with all the accolades [premiações], George Clooney hasn’t rested on his laurels [não se deu por satisfeito]. He‘s converted [converteu, direcionou] some of his Hollywood pulling power [poder de convencimento, peso político] into a number of social causes ranging from [que vão de] human rights [direitos humanos] to [a] global poverty [pobreza mundial].

An issue [tema, assunto, problema, questão] that Clooney is particularly passionate about [pelo qual Clooney tem um interesse especial] is the crisis in the Darfur region of Sudan.

Cf. Pronúncia: Crise

Clooney has been campaigning [vem trabalhando] since 2006 for a peaceful resolution [por uma solução pacífica] of the conflict that has led to [que causou] the deaths of about 300,000 people, according to [segundo] the United Nations.

Cf. Qual é a tradução de “RESOLUTION”?
Cf. Qual é a diferença entre “DEAD”, “DIED” e “DEATH”?

In 2007, Clooney spoke [falou, se pronunciou, fez um discurso] at a “Save Darfur” event in Washington D.C. to raise awareness [aumentar o grau de conscientização, divulgar] of the issue and he has even used his name recognition [sua fama] to push [forçar] world leaders to take action [a tomarem uma atitude].

While many Americans may not have known [talvez não soubessem] what was happening in the region, Clooney helped bring the conflict into living rooms [ajudou a tornar o conflito mais conhecido; ajudou a trazer o conflito para as salas de estar (lit.)] around the country. Clooney produced a TV documentary called “A Journey to Darfur” which advocated for action [defendia uma mobilização].

Cf. Falsos Cognatos: ADVOCATE

In December 2007, along with [com] fellow actor [colega de profissão; também ator] Don Cheadle, Clooney was presented with [recebeu] the Summit Peace Award by the Nobel Peace Prize Laureates for his work around the Darfur crisis.

The following month [no mês seguinte], Clooney was made [se tornou] a messenger of peace by the United Nations. Today, Clooney has joined [começou a trabalhar com] human rights activist [ativista pelos direitos humanos] and author John Prendergast to continue raising awareness of the conflict [para continuar o trabalho de conscientização sobre o conflito].

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[…] artigos desta série: John Malkovich, Susan Sarandon, Ted Danson,  Sigourney Weaver, Tom Hanks, George Clooney e David […]

14 anos atrás

Na parte:
according to [segundo a] the United Nations.
Não seria melhor:
according to [segundo] the United Nations.
Por causa do “the” antes de “United Nations”?
