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OBJECT (v.) / OBJECT (n.)
OBJECT (v.): /ob JEKT/
To present an opposing argument; express disapproval; raise an objection. [opor-se]
OBJECT (n.): /OB jekt/
a) Something perceptible by one or more of the senses, especially by vision or touch; a material thing
b) A focus of attention, feeling, thought, or action: “an object of contempt”
c) The purpose, aim, or goal of a specific action or effort: “the object of the game” (Source: The American Heritage Dicitonary) [objeto, objetivo, finalidade, matéria etc.]
- I did not object to the object.
- Não me opus ao objetivo.
Referência: “Guia Tecla SAP: Pronúncia”, de Ulisses Wehby de Carvalho, ©Tecla SAP, 2012. Leia a resenha.