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by CNN
Hundreds of [Centenas de] shoppers [consumidores] lined up [esperaram na fila] for hours in nine countries around the world as [assim que; quando] Apple’s new iPad became available for sale [foi colocado à venda] on Friday.
The iPad, which [que] beat [superou] industry expectations [as expectativas do setor] by selling [por vender] 1 million tablets [“tablets” (computador em formato de prancheta)] in the first month of sales [vendas] in the U.S., was released [foi lançado] in Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Spain, Switzerland [Suiça] and the U.K. [Reino Unido].
Cf. Vocabulário: GREAT BRITAIN
Market researcher IDC [A IDC (International Data Corporation), uma empresa de pesquisa de mercado] estimates [calcula] that nearly [quase, praticamente] six million iPads will be shipped [serão vendidos; expedidos (lit.)] by the end of 2010 [até o fim do ano, ainda este ano].
The sale of the iPad is [acontece] only days [há poucos dias] before two major [principais] news sites [sites de notícias] in the U.K. began to charge [cobrar] readers [leitores] for viewing content [conteúdo] online.
Cf. Gramática: Notícia
Cf. Pronúncia: Conteúdo
“The Times of London” and “Sunday Times” will begin to charge [passarão a cobrar] readers $1.43 for a one day subscription [assinatura de 1 dia] or $2.87 per week [por semana] to access both [ambos] sites.
The iPad is unique [único, singular, incomparável], analysts say [segundo os analistas], because it is creating a new market segment in between [entre] mobile phones [celulares] and computer laptops.
How much this new segment becomes a “game changer” [revolucionário; que muda as regras do jogo, que muda o jogo (lit.)] is still to be seen [ainda não se sabe], analysts say, but it is generating excitement [despertando muito interesse] among a diverse set [conjunto, grupo] of industries, including application designers [“designers” de aplicativos], book publishers [editoras] and news media organizations [órgãos de imprensa].
Many are even saying [chegam a afirmar] that the iPad could be seen [poderia (possibilidade) ser visto] as [como] the saviour [a salvação; o salvador (lit.)] of the newspaper industry [dos jornais].
Ou, bacana. Mas acho que nem os livros, jornais ou revistas estao “condenados”.
Pois, ler em papel é melhor para as vistas!