#75 🍿 “Parasite” dominated the Oscars on a historic night 🍿

Tempo de leitura: 4 minutos

by Ulisses Wehby de Carvalho


“Parasite” dominated the Oscars on a historic night — Textos Mastigados #75

Venha ler e traduzir comigo o artigo “Parasite” dominated the Oscars on a historic night. Você vai aprender e/ou rever o significado e a pronúncia de cast, award, cap off, pick up, mogul, mic, dim, play out, Palm D’Or, SAG, BAFTA, buzz, turn out, seasoned, filmmaker, nominate, feature film, screenplay, entre muitas outras.

Enriqueça seu vocabulário sobre cinema, aperfeiçoe sua pronúncia e amplie seus conhecimentos gerais. As dúvidas são esclarecidas na seção de comentários.

“Parasite” dominated the Oscars on a historic night


The cast and creative team for “Parasite” took the stage on Sunday to accept the award for best picture, capping off what was a huge night for the film and a significant night for global cinema.

  • CAST (n.) /kæst/ = all the performers in a movie, play, etc. [elenco]
  • PARASITE (n.) /ˈperəˌsaɪt/ = a lazy person who lives by getting money, food, etc. from other people [parasita]Cf. Pronúncia de CASE, BASE, GASOLINE, HOUSE etc.
  • AWARD (n.) /əˈwɔrd/ = a prize or other reward that is given to someone who has achieved something [prêmio]
  • CAP OFF (phrasal verb) = to finish something with a very good final activity or achievement [arrematar, finalizar, concluir, fechar com chave de ouro]
  • HUGE (adj.) /hjudʒ/ = extremely large in size, number, amount, or degree [enorme]

“I feel like a very opportune moment in history is happening right now,” producer Kwak Sin Ae said, via translator.

  • OPPORTUNE (adj.) /ɑpərˈtun/ = something that is opportune happens at a suitable time or at a time that seems lucky [oportuno, propício]
  • PRODUCER (n.) /prəˈdusər/ = someone whose job is to organize the work and money involved in making a movie, play, television program, CD, etc. [produtora, produtor]Cf. Substantivos femininos
  • TRANSLATOR (n.) /trænsˈleɪtər/ = someone who changes spoken or written words into another language, especially as their job [tradutora, tradutor]
  • INTERPRETER (n.) /ɪnˈtɜrprətər/ = someone whose job is to translate what a speaker is saying in one language into another language so that someone else can understand it [intérprete]

She wasn’t wrong. “Parasite” picked up four awards on Sunday night, including a history-making best picture win.

After she spoke, Miky Lee, a Korean entertainment mogul, attempted to take a turn at the mic, but the lights on stage dimmed as the camera prepared to return to Jane Fonda, who would close the night.

  • MOGUL (n.) /ˈmoʊɡ(ə)l/ = an important and powerful person in a particular activity or industry [magnata, líder, mandachuva]Cf. Dark L
  • TAKE A TURN (expr.) = to participate in an activity involving two or more participants [participar, ter a vez]
  • MIC (n.) /maɪk/ = (informal) a microphone [microfone]
  • DIM (v.) /dɪm/ = if a light dims, or if someone dims it, it becomes less bright [diminuir a intensidade da luz]

But those in the audience protested, asking loudly from their seats for the stage directors to turn the lights back up and let Lee speak.

  • PROTEST (v.) /prəˈtest/ /ˈproʊˌtest/ = to disagree strongly with something, often by making a formal statement or taking action in public [protestar, reclamar]

They won, and she got her turn.

  • WON (v.) /wʌn/ = the past tense and past participle of win [conseguiram]
  • TURN (n.) /tɜrn/ = someone’s turn is the time when they can or must do something, because they are with other people who are each doing the same activity one after the other [vez]


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“Parasite” dominated the Oscars on a historic night


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Textos Mastigados

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