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A 72-year-old man [um homem de 72 anos] goes for [vai fazer] a physical [um check-up]. All of his tests [exames] come back with normal results. The doctor says, “Jerry, everything looks great [está tudo ótimo]. How are you doing [Como você se sente] mentally and emotionally? Are you at peace [em paz] with God [Deus]?”
Cf. “TEST” nem sempre quer dizer “teste”
Jerry replies [responde], “God and I are tight [próximos, íntimos]. He knows I have poor eyesight [não enxergo bem], so he’s fixed it [ele me ajuda, ele me quebra um galho] for when [na hora que] I get up [eu levanto] in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom [para ir ao banheiro], *poof*!, the light goes on [a luz se acende]. When I’m done [quando eu termino], *poof*!, the light goes off [se apaga].”
“Wow, that’s incredible [que fantástico, que maravilha, que incrível (lit.)],” the doctor says.
A little later in the day [Um pouco depois], the doctor calls [liga para] Jerry’s wife [a esposa de Jerry]. “Ginger,” he says, “Jerry is doing fine [está bem] but I had to call you because I’m in awe [muito surpreso, boquiaberto, estupefato] of his relationship [com o relacionamento que ele tem] with God. Is it true [É verdade] that he gets up during the night and *poof *!, the light goes on in the bathroom, and when he’s done, *poof*! the light goes off?”
“OH MY GOODNESS!” [AI, MEU DEUS DO CÉU!] Ginger exclaims. “He’s peeing [fazendo xixi] in the fridge [na geladeira] again [de novo]!”
Cf. Humor: We aim to please
Cf. Qual é a tradução de “PISS”?
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Oh my Gosh…this was freaking hilarious…thanks again for making us laugh!
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Abraços a todos
that’s a great one….