FOOTWEAR: os tipos de calçado em inglês

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Jack Scholes


Do not judge a man unless you have walked for many moons in his moccasins.

North American Indian proverb


Many moons
A very long time (literary)

Flat shoes made from soft leather, originally worn by Native American Indians.

Cf. Falsos Cognatos: INDIAN
Cf. Falsos Cognatos: INDIGENOUS


Sneakers (US) / trainers (UK)
Light, comfortable shoes mainly used for playing sports or for leisure wear.

Light shoes, partly open on the top, which are often worn in warm weather.

Flip-flops (UK) / thongs (US)
Open sandals, often made of rubber, with a V-shaped strap that goes between the big toe and the one next to it.

Cf. Como se diz “havaianas” em inglês?

Wellingtons, wellington boots, wellies (UK – informal) / rubber boots (US)
Waterproof boots made of rubber.

Loafers (UK) / slip-ons (US)
Flat leather shoes with no fastenings or shoelaces that you can put on and take off quickly and easily.

Light, soft, comfortable shoes that are worn in the house.


Shoes that are made entirely of wood or the top part made of leather and the bottom part made of wood. Clog dancing is a rustic dance performed wearing clogs, which used to be very popular in Ireland and the North of England. The clogs are used by the dancers to beat out the rhythm on the floor. This traditional dancing later influenced tap-dancing in the US.


A variation on the above message is:

Until you’ve walked a mile in another man’s shoes, you have no idea how painful blisters can be.

A painful swelling on the surface of the skin that is filled with a clear liquid. Blisters are usually caused by something repeatedly rubbing your skin, especially on your feet, or by burning.

Cf. Expressões Idiomáticas: Fazer besteira
Cf. Comprando sapatos nos EUA
Cf. Como se diz “pedra no sapato” em inglês?
Cf. Compras online: palavras e expressões em inglês e português

Referência: “Gems of Wisdom – Inspirational Messages to Enhance the Quality of Your Life and Improve Your English” de Jack Scholes – Disal Editora, 2007. Leia a resenha.

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13 anos atrás

Ulisses, como se diz sapatilhas (sem ser de ballet), ou seja, sapatos femininos sem salto, de couro? Eu achei as expressões “skimmer shoes” e “flat shoes”, “flat pumps”, mas não sei qual o termo correto…

Pelo oq eu vi slip-on serve pra qq sapato (masculino e feminino) sem cadarços ou fivelas, mas pode ser com salto ou sem e de qualquer material (inclusive jelly, as melissas)

13 anos atrás

O ditado “don’t judge a book by its cover” tambem e de bom uso.

14 anos atrás

O barato sai caro…

Como seria isso em ingles?

vlew 😀