Roseanne Barr

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As an actress [atriz], Roseanne Barr became synonymous [ficou marcada; se tornou sinônimo (lit.)] with one of television’s biggest hits [um dos maiores sucessos da TV] – a show [um programa] in her very own name [que leva seu próprio nome], “Roseanne.”

Cf. Por que “show” nem sempre é a tradução de “SHOW”?

The show which ran [que foi ao ar] from 1989 to 1997 earned [rendeu; propiciou; deu] Barr several [diversos; vários] high-profile awards [prêmios de prestígio] including an Emmy and Golden Globe.

In addition to [Além de] her role [seu papel] in the television series [série de TV], Barr has also appeared [também participou] in a number [em vários] of well-known films [filmes famosos] including “She-Devil” [Ela é o Diabo]. She was also the starring voice [a voz principal] in other films liked “Look Who’s Talking Too” [Olha Quem Está Falando Também] and “Home on the Range” [Nem que a Vaca Tussa].

Cf. Gramática: SERIES
CfComo aprender inglês com as séries de TV

Barr is currently out with a third book [está lançando seu terceiro livro], “Roseannearchy: Dispatches from the Nut Farm,” where the comedian [a comediantecandidly [abertamente; francamente] discusses everything from her half-Jewish [meio-judia], half-Mormon [meio-Mórmonupbringing [educação] in Salt Lake City, to the sitcom [sitcom; comédia de situações] that made her world-famous [famosa no mundo todo], to ex-husbands and owning [ter; administrarher very own [a sua própria] macadamia nut farm [fazenda de noz-macadâmia] in Hawaii.

“Roseannearchy” certainly won’t leave readers wondering [não deixará os leitores em dúvida] how Barr, 58, really feels about the state of the world [a conjuntura global]. “My writing just comes out [Meu texto flui naturalmente], and then I try to edit it and try to goose it up or down [aumento ou diminuo um pouco (a história)],” she told CNN.

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