Textos Mastigados: A lost in translation press conference

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by CNN Foreign Affairs Correspondent Jill Dougherty

Washington (CNN) – The joint news conference [coletiva de imprensa conjunta] with the two presidents started off just fine [começou bem, sem problemas]. President Barack Obama praised [elogiou] a “spirit of cooperation that is also friendly competition [concorrência leal; concorrência amistosa (lit.)].” President Hu Jintao told reporters [declarou aos jornalistasthe countries’ relationship is [as relações entre os dois países são] based on “mutual respect and mutual benefit [interesses comuns].”

Then [] came [aconteceu] the “lost in translation” moment [uma pane na tradução] that turned [transformou] the press availability [o encontro com a imprensa] into what felt like [naquilo que pareceu ser; no que deu a impressão de serone long Chinese-language lesson [uma longa aula de chinês].

It started [(O problema) começou] when both presidents were asked about human rights in China [uma pergunta sobre direitos humanos na China foi feita para os dois presidentes]. Mr. Obama answered but, in a confusing moment [num momento confuso], Mr. Hu did not [não respondeu]. Instead, the translator [o tradutor ou a tradutora] began translating Mr. Obama’s answer. Then [Em seguida] they went on [passaram] to another question. So [Então] another U.S. reporter asked the human rights question again, hinting [dando a entender que] the Chinese president might have tried [talvez tivesse tentado] to avoid it [evitar (a pergunta)].

President Hu was not amused [não gostou]: “First [Em primeiro lugar], I would like to clarify [eu gostaria de esclarecer], because of the technical translation and interpretation problem, I did not hear [não ouvi] the question about the human rights,” he said. “What I know was that [Pelo que entendi,] he was asking a question directed at President Obama. As you raise this question [Como você fez a pergunta], and I heard the question properly [e eu a ouvi perfeitamente], certainly I’m in a position to answer that question [posso respondê-la].”

And he did. [E ele a respondeu.]

For long stretches [Durante longos períodos] in the press conference [na coletiva] the two leaders stood by, awkwardly waiting for the translation [esperaram, meio sem jeito, pela tradução].

At one point [Num determinado momento], a Chinese reporter chimed in [interrompeu a conversa], chiding [criticando] the translators: “Because of the on-and-off interpretation from the simultaneous booths [Devido à interpretação simultânea entrecortada das cabines], I would like to ask the Chinese consecutive interpreter [gostaria de pedir ao intérprete que faz a consecutiva do chinês] to interpret [que interpretasse] my two questions correctly and accurately [correta e precisamente].”

Cf. Tradução Simultânea

When it was all over [Terminada a coletiva], Mr. Obama apologized [pediu desculpas]: “All right, everybody. Thank you so much for your patience, due to the technical difficulties [devido às dificuldades técnicas].”

The White House later [depois] told [informou] CNN that it was the Chinese [foram os chineses] who requested [que solicitaram] the type of translation used: “consecutive” in which [em que] the speaker [o orador] says his piece [sua fala], then waits for it to be translated. All it requires [O que se espera], it seems [aparentemente] is a little patience [um pouco de paciência].

CfSimultânea ou Consecutiva?
Cf. Tradução Simultânea: O equipamento portátil
Cf. Discurso de Barack Obama no Rio de Janeiro

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