Textos Mastigados: Airline to introduce women-only lavatories

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Airline to introduce women-only lavatories
by A. Pawlowski, CNN

(CNN) — Airplane lavatories [banheiros] are among the few [poucos] unisex bathrooms [banheiros] most people encounter, but that’s about to change [está prestes a mudar] for some air travelers [passageiros de avião].

The Japanese airline [empresa aérea] All Nippon Airways will introduce women-only [femininos] lavatories on its international routes [voos; rotas (lit.)] starting Monday.

CfVocabulário: Banheiro

The move [medida, decisão; movimento (lit.)] comes in response to “numerous [numerosos, inúmeros] requests [pedidos, solicitações] from passengers for this service,” the company said in a statement [declaração, comunicado].

Japan's All Nippon Airways will have women-only lavatories on international routes starting Monday.

Many women called for [requereram, exigiram] the airline to give them their own lavatories in a 2007 survey [pesquisa, sondagem] of customers [clientes], said ANA spokesman [porta-voz] Justin C. Massey.

Cf. Vocabulário: Pesquisa
Cf. Falsas Gêmeas: CLIENT x CUSTOMER

“They didn’t list [mencionaram, listaram, relacionaram] any specific complaints [reclamações]. … It was just more a matter of [Foi simplesmente mais uma questão de] general preference,” Massey added [acrescentou].

One women-only lavatory will be designated in the rear section [parte traseira] of the passenger cabin and will display a pink version of the universal sign for a ladies’ room [banheiro feminino] as a way to [para, como uma mandeira de] let male travelers know [avisar os passageiros do sexo masculino] to look for another option. Women can [podem] still [ainda] use any other [qualquer outro] lavatory.

While restricting men from using the women-only bathroom, the airline has spelled out [explicar em detalhes] exceptions to the rule [regra], such when required for safety [segurança] reasons or when a passenger is not feeling well or “when there are very few female passengers and the women-only designation has been lifted [cancelada, suspensa] for the flight [voo].”

Cf. Falsas Gêmeas: SAFETY x SECURITY

There are no plans to designate men-only [masculinos] lavatories, Massey said.

There was mixed reaction [opiniões divergentes] to the announcement [anúncio] on FlyerTalk, an online community for frequent fliers [passageiros (de avião); voadores (lit.)].

“The lavatories are scarce enough already [já são poucos]. The last thing we need is more restriction of choice,” one poster wrote.

“I’ve never understood gender [gênero, sexo] segregation of single-person [individuais] bathrooms,” another said.

Cleanliness [limpeza] is probably the main reason,” countered [contra-argumentou] a third poster.

ANA also made news [foi notícia] last fall [outono] when it encouraged passengers to use restrooms [banheiros] before boarding [embarque] to reduce the weight [peso] of planes as part of its “ecological travel on the ground [em solo] and in the sky [céu]campaign [campanha].

Cf. Falsas Gêmeas: SKY x HEAVEN
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