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by Helena de Moura, CNN
(CNN) — Brazil’s first female president [presidenta] was sworn in [fez o juramento de posse] Saturday amid [em meio a] cheers [aplausos] and tears [lágrimas] from supporters [correligionários], many of whom [muitos dos quais] followed [acompanharam] her rise [sua ascensão] from freedom fighter [lutadora pela liberdade] brutally persecuted [perseguida] in the 1960s [na década de 60] to leader of her country.
Cf. Falsos Cognatos: PRESIDENT
Addressing the nation [Falando à nação] as [como] president for the first time, Dilma Rousseff said she felt the historic weight [peso histórico] of her presidency.
Cf. Falsas Gêmeas: AS x LIKE
“This is the first time that the presidential sash [a faixa presidencial] hangs over [é colocada] the shoulders [nos ombros] of a woman,” she said.
“I am committed [Assumo o compromisso] to honoring [de honrar] women, to protecting the most vulnerable and to govern for all.”
Rousseff, 62, replaces [substitui] Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, the most popular president [o presidente com o maior índice de popularidade] in Brazil’s recent history. Rousseff served as [foi; exerceu o cargo de] his chief of staff [Chefe da Casa Civil].
Cf. Qual é a tradução de “STAFF”?
Rousseff, who [que] was elected in October in a runoff vote [no segundo turno], was sworn in [fez o juramento de posse] just before [um pouco antes] 3 p.m. [15h; 15h00] local time, along with her vice president, Michel Temer.
Cf. Abreviações: “PDT” em inglês não é partido político!
Chanting [Cantando; Entoando] the song of Rousseff’s PT Worker’s Party — “Ole ole ole ola… Lula Lula…” — crowds [uma multidão] gathered [se reuniu] in the historic National Congress in support of [para prestigiar; para oferecer apoio] their new president.
“From now on [De agora em diante] I am the president of all Brazilians,” a tearful [emocionada] Rousseff told the crowd.
The much-anticipated [A tão aguardada] inauguration [posse] of Rousseff was marred [foi atrapalhada] by heavy rain [chuva intensa], which forced [que obrigou] the new president to find cover [a se abrigar] in a 1952 black Rolls Royce that paraded down [desfilou] the Esplanade of the Ministries as thousands looked on [diante de milhares de pessoas].
Cf. Falsos Cognatos: INAUGURATE
Her inauguration comes [acontece] nearly [quase] 41 years after Rousseff was arrested [ser presa] and escorted [levada] in a military van [em um carro de polícia; de camburão (inf.)] to the Tiradentes Prison where, she told Brazil’s congress, she was “barbarically tortured” for nearly two years.
Known as [Conhecida como] the “subversive Joan of Arc,” Rousseff was tortured under Brazil’s dictatorship [ditadura] for her activities as a left-wing guerrilla fighter [guerrilheira esquerdista] in the late 1960s.
Her inauguration Saturday was expected to be attended by [deverá contar com a presença de] 23 heads of state [chefes de estado], nine vice presidents, 76 ambassadors [embaixadores] and 24 secretaries of state [ministros das relações exteriores], including Hillary Clinton.
Cf. Falsas Gêmeas: Embaixadora x Embaixatriz
Cf. Falsos Cognatos: SECRETARY
Rousseff was also expected to honor [deverá homenagear] 11 women who spent time in prison with her [suas companheiras de cela] at Tiradentes, according to state-run [estatal] Agencia Brasil.
Historian [O historiador] Carlos Fico, a leading [especialista, renomado] historian on Brazil’s brutal military rule [regime militar brutal] that began in 1964, said Brazilians — especially victims of torture — are moved [se emocionaram com o fato de] she chose to include her cell mates [companheiras de cela] in the historic inauguration.
“It coincides with many changes [É mais uma das muitas mudanças] taking place [que acontecem] in Brazil,” Fico said.
“While [Muito embora] so many [tantas pessoas] suffered terrible forms of torture, women were victimized [sofreram com] in more ways than others [ainda mais formas de abuso], given the machismo [por conta do machismo] that pervaded [permeava] in the military [nas forças armadas]. Many women talk to prefer not to mention [dizem preferir não falar sobre] the details,” he said.
As the nation’s first woman to hold the office [Como a primeira mulher a exercer o cargo de presidente no país], Rousseff said [afirmou] at the time of her election [quando foi eleita] that she has a mission to fight for [de lutar em prol de] more gender equality [igualdade entre os sexos] in Brazil.
“I hope [Tenho esperança] the fathers and mothers of little girls [garotinhas] will look at them and say yes, women can [sim, as mulheres podem].”
Cf. Como se diz “tomar posse” em inglês?
Cf.Como eu digo “posse” em inglês?
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